Astaxanthin 5%.

What is Astaxanthin?

Astaxanthin (C40H52O4) is a chemical compound included in xanthophylls - oxygen derivatives of carotenes. It occurs naturally in nature. It is synthesized by various microorganisms and fungi and is not produced in the human body. 

 Although astaxanthin is extracted most often from algae (Hematococcus pluvialis or Chlorella zofingensis) the main dietary sources of astaxanthin are seafood and fish such as crawfish, crabs, shrimp, salmon and pink trout.

How does Astaxanthin work?

Natural astaxanthin is poorly soluble in water, although it is still absorbed better than other carotenoids (such as beta-carotene or lycopene). According to current knowledge, astaxanthin is distributed to all body tissues and can easily penetrate the blood-brain barrier.

Due to its chemical composition and structure, which is remarkably similar to the arrangement of human biological membranes, astaxanthin exhibits strong antioxidant properties.

Astaxanthin has cardioprotective properties, effectively preventing cardiovascular diseases and disorders. Recent studies also point to the carotenoid's anticoagulant effect and possible improvement in the elasticity of blood vessel walls.

Astaxanthin is used in the prevention and treatment of existing cardiovascular diseases, but according to the researchers, it can also be an important component of secondary prevention (which involves, for example, leveling the symptoms of myocardial infarction).

It has been shown that astaxanthin can play an important role in the prevention and treatment of a number of common conditions, including diabetes (especially type 2) and eye disease. The product also supports skin regeneration and improves overall body function.

Astaxanthin has been used successfully in neurodegradative diseases (e.g. Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease), as it improves blood supply to the brain, supports cognitive function and protects neurons from degradation processes.

Studies also show that astaxanthin, due to its ability to lower sugar and cholesterol levels and support their processing (i.e., prevent storage), may show beneficial effects on weight control.

Astaxanthin's antioxidant properties may be of great importance in treating thyroid disorders and their sequelae, which often lead to increased levels of inflammatory cells and free radicals. Oxidative damage caused by thyroid hormones can be a factor in the progression of heart failure and DNA damage.

Scientists believe that astaxanthin is one of the best naturally occurring antioxidants. It is more potent than vitamin E and more effective than vitamin C.

The compound may improve skin condition, reduce wrinkles and alleviate menopause syndrome, but can also be used by men, as it significantly increases vitality and fertility.

How to use Astaxanthin?

Purity over 5%, brown powder.

Natural product made from algae haematococcus pluvialis extract. Contains minimum 5% pure astaxanthin.

Recommended daily dose up to 1,2g.

Do not to exceed the stated recommended daily dose.

Store in a cool and dark place, away from children.

Free measuring spoon included. The spoon holds 0,4g Astaxantin and is dishwasher safe.

Studies show that astaxanthin exhibits excellent effects when dissolved in flaxseed oil. The combination of these two ingredients raises the antioxidant capacity of blood plasma and lowers triglycerides and cholesterol.

Astaxanthin is considered safe. Studies have not shown any significant side effects from using the product, even in doses higher than the recommended. Excess of the compound does not accumulate in the body and is removed relatively quickly - the half-life is about 52 hours.

Astaxanthin should not be used by people who are allergic to seafood.

Pregnant and breastfeeding women, as well as patients suffering from blood clotting disorders, autoimmune diseases and hypertension should consult a doctor before using the product.

Food supplements should not be used as a substitute for a varied diet.

Jars: 30g.

Sets: 3x60g